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Expectations for Athletes


Dear Parents/Guardian and Athletes,



Our objective as a coaching staff is to create an environment where every athlete understands the importance of commitment, working hard to achieve goals, and the feeling of success that comes from reaching goals. The information below will help ensure that we have a safe and productive track season. When both athletes and parents/guardians sign this document you acknowledge having read and understood the expectations, as well as the consequences.






Students on the Mercer Island Track and Field team are leaders in the classroom as well as on the track. In addition to following the Mercer Island School District policy regarding grades and attendance, Track and Field athletes are model students; always being thoughtful, engaged, present, respectful, and helpful at the high school.





       Mercer Island Track and Field athletes show respect to fellow students, staff and fellow competitors at all times. Athletes are proactive in communication, assume self-responsibility, and listen to instructions.





       Those on the team must be on time to all practices Monday through Friday ready to participate as well as two Saturday practices. Additional practices are highly encouraged for all. At practice athletes are required to put forth the level of effort asked of them by the coaching staff. Season best efforts, personal records and other forms of improvement are the paramount focus of every individual on the team.



       Each and every athlete is part of the team. As a team, we support each other during races and workouts, we travel to and from meets as a team, and cheer for each other at every competition. Athletes on Mercer Island Track and Field team compete in every event asked of them by the coaching staff.



Attendance Policy


All athletes are required to attend practices and meets. As a reminder, meets count as a practice regardless of whether or not you are competing. Besides a medical or family emergency, perfect attendance the week leading up to a meet is required to be eligible to compete.


JV/PE Credit


To receive PE credit, student athletes are required to be a JV athlete:

  • Return this agreement form signed by both athlete and parent/guardian

  • Adhere to the MIHS Athletic Code of Conduct

    • Engagement in any of the acts below by any student participant, on or off school premises, during instructional and non-instructional time, will constitute sufficient cause for discipline, probation, suspension or expulsion from school activities and may result in additional disciplinary action beyond the activity.  

      • disruptive conduct

      • disobedience of reasonable instructions of school authorities

      • violation of the MIHS Code of Student Conduct  

      • unauthorized absence from a practice, game, rehearsal, meeting etc. as defined by each coach or advisor  

      • academic dishonesty  

      • vulgarity or profanity  

      • intimidation, hazing or harassment (including racial/gender/sexual orientation and cyber bullying) of another student or employee

      • assault of another student or employee

      • possession or use of any dangerous weapons or objects

      • use, distribution, sale or possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, drugs (including marijuana/cannabis) and/or related paraphernalia including being present where substances are available or being used

      • the charge or conviction of any criminal act as defined by law

  • Attend all practices Monday-Friday as well as two required Saturday practices

  • Compete in at least 4 meets, but attend all regular season meets

  • Have no more than 8 absences*




  • Meet all the JV requirements

  • Have no more than 5 absences*


*May be amended in the case of extreme medical illness or injury, a note from parent/doctor, and communication with head coach

**Leaving practice before excused by a coach will count as an absence

***Coaching staff reserves the right to amend attendance policy as needed in other special cases




Failure to follow team expectations, attendance policy, athletic code, and school rules can result in your suspension or dismissal from the team.


1st offence – verbal warning

2nd offence – meeting with head coach and letter home

3rd offence – removal from team




Pathway #1

  • Athletes who get top eight at Kingco and meet the team expectations listed above automatically get a varsity letter.


Pathway #2

  • Athletes who meet and exceed team expectations listed above to be a varsity athlete and in additions have;  regular attendance at optional practices, attendance at other team social events, give exceptional effort at practice and meets, are picked by an assistant coach, and get final approval from head coach.






By signing below you agree to the above expectations and agree to follow them. In line with these expectations, you also acknowledge and fully understand the coaching staff has the final say in all cases regarding eligibility, lettering, PE credit, and participation.



Athlete Name  ____________________________________        Date________________





Athlete Signature  _________________________________     





Parent/Guardian Name  _____________________________       Date________________





Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________

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